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Chain สตาร์บัคส์ : รูปทั้งหมด

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6 ส.ค. 2012 ตอน 15:27 น
By: pijno
ร้านเลย์เอาท์ประหลาดๆ มันโค้งๆ ชอบกล
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Showing 1-60 from 66 total
Warning (2): Illegal string offset 'language' [APP/app_helper.php, line 11]
ร้านเลย์เอาท์ประหลาดๆ ...
By: pijno
By: pijno
By: pijno
บรรยากาศ เหลืองๆ ประหล...
By: pijno
Very Berry Hibiscus น้...
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ที่นั่งด้านนอก ยังมีเห...
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บาร์สั่งของ กับตู้ขนม
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ที่วางหลอด ทิชชู่
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บาร์นั่งใหม่ ร้านเดิมไ...
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a corner, with lots of...
By: KinnShare
Banoffee pie at starbu...
By: KinnShare
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(default) 6 queries took 40 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`key`, `Setting`.`value`, `Setting`.`description` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE 1 = 1 220
2SELECT `RestChain`.`id`, `RestChain`.`nameTh`, `RestChain`.`nameEn`, `RestChain`.`tags`, `RestChain`.`descriptionTh`, `RestChain`.`descriptionEn`, `RestChain`.`seo_url`, `RestChain`.`tel`, `RestChain`.`official_website`, `RestChain`.`official_menu`, `RestChain`.`facebook`, `RestChain`.`price_range_id`, `RestChain`.`related_chain1_id`, `RestChain`.`related_chain2_id`, `RestChain`.`related_chain3_id`, `RestChain`.`num_rests`, `RestChain`.`cur_overall_rating`, `RestChain`.`active`, `RestChain`.`added_by_member_id`, `RestChain`.`created`, `RestChain`.`modified`, `RestChain`.`num_overall_rating`, `RestChain`.`cur_taste_rating`, `RestChain`.`num_taste_rating`, `RestChain`.`cur_atmosphere_rating`, `RestChain`.`num_atmosphere_rating`, `RestChain`.`cur_price_rating`, `RestChain`.`num_price_rating`, `RestChain`.`cur_service_rating`, `RestChain`.`num_service_rating`, `RestChain`.`logo`, `RestChain`.`logo_s`, `RestChain`.`logo_thumb`, `RestChain`.`logo_thumb_s`, `RestChain`.`show_home_order`, (CONCAT(`RestChain`.`nameTh`, " (", `RestChain`.`nameEn`, ")")) AS `RestChain__nameThEn` FROM `rest_chains` AS `RestChain` WHERE `RestChain`.`id` = 1 AND `RestChain`.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1111
3SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `rests_pics` AS `RestsPic` LEFT JOIN `members` AS `Member` ON (`RestsPic`.`member_id` = `Member`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `rests` AS `Rest` ON (`RestsPic`.`rest_id` = `Rest`.`id`) WHERE `RestsPic`.`active` = 1 AND `Rest`.`rest_chain_id` = 1 1110
4SELECT `RestsPic`.`id`, `RestsPic`.`member_id`, `RestsPic`.`member_ip`, `RestsPic`.`rest_id`, `RestsPic`.`rests_comment_id`, `RestsPic`.`order_in_comment`, `RestsPic`.`created`, `RestsPic`.`file_name`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_l`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_m`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_s`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_thumb_l`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_thumb_m`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_thumb_s`, `RestsPic`.`caption`, `RestsPic`.`rest_pic_type_id`, `RestsPic`.`file_size`, `RestsPic`.`date_taken`, `RestsPic`.`active`, `RestsPic`.`reported`, `RestsPic`.`modified`, `RestsPic`.`num_likes`, `Member`.`id`, `Member`.`unique_code`, `Member`.`username`, `Member`.`first_name`, `Member`.`last_name`, `Rest`.`id`, `Rest`.`rest_chain_id`, `Rest`.`nameTh`, `Rest`.`nameEn`, `Rest`.`branch_nameTh`, `Rest`.`branch_nameEn`, `Rest`.`seo_url`, (CONCAT(`Rest`.`nameTh`, " (", `Rest`.`nameEn`, ")")) AS `Rest__nameThEn` FROM `rests_pics` AS `RestsPic` LEFT JOIN `members` AS `Member` ON (`RestsPic`.`member_id` = `Member`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `rests` AS `Rest` ON (`RestsPic`.`rest_id` = `Rest`.`id`) WHERE `RestsPic`.`active` = 1 AND `Rest`.`rest_chain_id` = 1 ORDER BY `RestsPic`.`id` DESC LIMIT 60606015
5 SELECT Result.`rank` FROM ( SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS `rank`, RestsPic.`id` FROM `rests_pics` AS RestsPic, (SELECT @rownum:=0) AS R, `rests` AS `Rest` WHERE `RestsPic`.`rest_id` = `Rest`.`id` AND `Rest`.`rest_chain_id` = '1' AND RestsPic.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `RestsPic`.`id` DESC ) AS Result WHERE Result.`id` = '1375' LIMIT 1 117
6 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS `rank`, RestsPic.`id` FROM `rests_pics` AS RestsPic, (SELECT @rownum:=0) AS R, `rests` AS `Rest` WHERE `RestsPic`.`rest_id` = `Rest`.`id` AND `Rest`.`rest_chain_id` = '1' AND RestsPic.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `RestsPic`.`id` DESC ) AS Result WHERE Result.`rank` BETWEEN 0 AND 2 AND Result.`rank` <> 1 ORDER BY Result.`rank` DESC LIMIT 2 117
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