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6 Jan 2012 at 00:58
By: longsivvi
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บรรยากาศในร้านนะคะ ดูโ...
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ปลาดิบรวมค่ะ สดดีเลย แ...
By: mimimus
By: longsivvi
By: longsivvi
By: longsivvi
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(default) 9 queries took 27 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`key`, `Setting`.`value`, `Setting`.`description` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE 1 = 1 220
2SELECT `Rest`.`id`, `Rest`.`nameTh`, `Rest`.`nameEn`, `Rest`.`branch_nameTh`, `Rest`.`branch_nameEn`, `Rest`.`tags`, `Rest`.`descriptionTh`, `Rest`.`descriptionEn`, `Rest`.`seo_url`, `Rest`.`full_text`, `Rest`.`st_addrTh`, `Rest`.`st_addrEn`, `Rest`.`directionTh`, `Rest`.`directionEn`, `Rest`.`th_province_id`, `Rest`.`country_id`, `Rest`.`lat`, `Rest`.`lng`, `Rest`.`bts_id`, `Rest`.`bts_minutes`, `Rest`.`mrt_id`, `Rest`.`mrt_minutes`, `Rest`.`tel`, `Rest`.`official_website`, `Rest`.`official_menu`, `Rest`.`facebook`, `Rest`.`hours`, `Rest`.`price_range_id`, `Rest`.`rest_chain_id`, `Rest`.`bld_id`, `Rest`.`bld_floor`, `Rest`.`bld_zone`, `Rest`.`in_bld_addrTh_orig`, `Rest`.`in_bld_addrTh`, `Rest`.`in_bld_addrEn`, `Rest`.`cur_overall_rating`, `Rest`.`num_overall_rating`, `Rest`.`cur_taste_rating`, `Rest`.`num_taste_rating`, `Rest`.`cur_atmosphere_rating`, `Rest`.`num_atmosphere_rating`, `Rest`.`cur_price_rating`, `Rest`.`num_price_rating`, `Rest`.`cur_service_rating`, `Rest`.`num_service_rating`, `Rest`.`bayesian_rating`, `Rest`.`is_our_member`, `Rest`.`from_owner`, `Rest`.`num_comments`, `Rest`.`num_kratoos`, `Rest`.`num_pics`, `Rest`.`num_external_reviews`, `Rest`.`active`, `Rest`.`moved_to_rest_id`, `Rest`.`added_by_member_id`, `Rest`.`created`, `Rest`.`modified`, `Rest`.`primary_rests_pic_id`, `Rest`.`primary_pic_by_admin`, `Rest`.`primary_rests_pic_thumb_m`, `Rest`.`admin_validated`, `Rest`.`cuisine_type_ids`, `Rest`.`rest_type_ids`, `Rest`.`rest_feature_ids`, `Rest`.`logo`, `Rest`.`logo_s`, `Rest`.`logo_thumb`, `Rest`.`logo_thumb_s`, (CONCAT(`Rest`.`nameTh`, " (", `Rest`.`nameEn`, ")")) AS `Rest__nameThEn`, `Bld`.`id`, `Bld`.`nameTh`, `Bld`.`nameEn`, `Bld`.`seo_url`, `Bld`.`bts_id`, `Bld`.`mrt_id`, `Bld`.`bld_type_id`, `Bts`.`id`, `Bts`.`nameTh`, `Bts`.`nameEn`, (CONCAT("BTS-", `Bts`.`nameTh`)) AS `Bts__full_nameTh`, (CONCAT("BTS-", `Bts`.`nameEn`)) AS `Bts__full_nameEn`, `Mrt`.`id`, `Mrt`.`nameTh`, `Mrt`.`nameEn`, (CONCAT("MRT-", `Mrt`.`nameTh`)) AS `Mrt__full_nameTh`, (CONCAT("MRT-", `Mrt`.`nameEn`)) AS `Mrt__full_nameEn`, `RestChain`.`id`, `RestChain`.`nameTh`, `RestChain`.`nameEn`, `RestChain`.`seo_url` FROM `rests` AS `Rest` LEFT JOIN `blds` AS `Bld` ON (`Rest`.`bld_id` = `Bld`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `btses` AS `Bts` ON (`Rest`.`bts_id` = `Bts`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `mrts` AS `Mrt` ON (`Rest`.`mrt_id` = `Mrt`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `rest_chains` AS `RestChain` ON (`Rest`.`rest_chain_id` = `RestChain`.`id`) WHERE `Rest`.`id` = 32 AND `Rest`.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1112
3SELECT `Mrt`.`id`, `Mrt`.`nameTh`, `Mrt`.`nameEn`, (CONCAT("MRT-", `Mrt`.`nameTh`)) AS `Mrt__full_nameTh`, (CONCAT("MRT-", `Mrt`.`nameEn`)) AS `Mrt__full_nameEn` FROM `mrts` AS `Mrt` WHERE `Mrt`.`id` = 11 110
4SELECT `RestChain`.`id`, `RestChain`.`nameTh`, `RestChain`.`nameEn`, `RestChain`.`seo_url` FROM `rest_chains` AS `RestChain` WHERE `RestChain`.`id` = 62 110
5 SELECT Result.`rank` FROM ( SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS `rank`, RestsPic.`id` FROM `rests_pics` AS RestsPic, (SELECT @rownum:=0) AS R WHERE RestsPic.`rest_id` = '32' AND RestsPic.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `RestsPic`.`id` DESC ) AS Result WHERE Result.`id` = '558' LIMIT 1 117
6 SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total_photo` FROM `rests_pics` AS RestsPic WHERE RestsPic.`rest_id` IN ( SELECT Rest.`id` FROM `rests` AS Rest WHERE Rest.`rest_chain_id` = '62' ) AND RestsPic.`active` = '1' 118
7SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `rests_pics` AS `RestsPic` LEFT JOIN `members` AS `Member` ON (`RestsPic`.`member_id` = `Member`.`id`) WHERE `RestsPic`.`active` = 1 AND `RestsPic`.`rest_id` = 32 111
8SELECT `RestsPic`.`id`, `RestsPic`.`member_id`, `RestsPic`.`member_ip`, `RestsPic`.`rest_id`, `RestsPic`.`rests_comment_id`, `RestsPic`.`order_in_comment`, `RestsPic`.`created`, `RestsPic`.`file_name`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_l`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_m`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_s`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_thumb_l`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_thumb_m`, `RestsPic`.`file_name_thumb_s`, `RestsPic`.`caption`, `RestsPic`.`rest_pic_type_id`, `RestsPic`.`file_size`, `RestsPic`.`date_taken`, `RestsPic`.`active`, `RestsPic`.`reported`, `RestsPic`.`modified`, `RestsPic`.`num_likes`, `Member`.`id`, `Member`.`unique_code`, `Member`.`username` FROM `rests_pics` AS `RestsPic` LEFT JOIN `members` AS `Member` ON (`RestsPic`.`member_id` = `Member`.`id`) WHERE `RestsPic`.`active` = 1 AND `RestsPic`.`rest_id` = 32 ORDER BY `RestsPic`.`id` DESC LIMIT 6011115
9 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS `rank`, RestsPic.`id` FROM `rests_pics` AS RestsPic, (SELECT @rownum:=0) AS R WHERE RestsPic.`rest_id` = '32' AND RestsPic.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `RestsPic`.`id` DESC ) AS Result WHERE Result.`rank` BETWEEN 10 AND 12 AND Result.`rank` <> 11 ORDER BY Result.`rank` DESC LIMIT 2 114
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